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AutoBluetooth turns bluetooth on or off without any user interaction, based on one of the rules that the user sets. Rules can be of the following type:

Auto Bluetooth is capable of detecting if the device is connected and can wait for its disconnection before turning the bluetooth off. This is particularly useful when the device connects during a timer activity and remains connected after the specified time.

  1. WiFi: User specifies a wifi network by picking it from a list. When the device connects to the specified network AutoBluetooth turns on or off BT depending on the choice you made while configuring the rule (On and Off are the only choices). The user can also specify the days in the week where the rule is active.
  2. Timer: User specifies a time interval and specifies the days in the week where the rule shall turn BT on. When the rule is triggered, bluetooth is activated in one of the two modalities: Continuous or Sampling. In continuous mode BT is turned on in the whole time interval specified by the rule. IN Sampling mode BT is turned on at evenly spaced intervals until the rule expires or the device connects to an accessory.
  3.  NFC: User specifies a time interval and specifies the days in the week where the rule shall turn BT on, as is for the Timer rule. In this case rule is checked only when an NFC tag is read by the device.
  4. Battery charge: User specifies in which days of the week BT have to be activated when the device is connected to a power source (wall socket or usb cable). When device is disconnected from power source BT is disabled.
  5. Phone call: User specifies in which days of the week BT have to be acivated when the device receives a phone call. When call ends BT is disabled
  6. GeoFence: User specifies if he wants to have BT on or of when a certain area is reached or left. The location is the current location of the device and the area has a 100 meters radius. Entering or exiting such area will trigger the rule. User can also specify days in the week where the rule is active.

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